A Nor'easter gets its name from the northeasterly winds that blow in from the ocean ahead of the storm that mainly affects the northeastern part of the United States. We have had three already in March and are in the middle of the fourth as I write so we have firsthand knowledge of these storms.

The apostle Paul also had experienced a “nor’easter” in the closing chapters of the book of Acts. In 27:14 we read “Before very long, a wind of hurricane force, called a ‘northeaster,’ swept down from the island”. Paul was a prisoner in a ship sailing to Rome to be tried by Caesar. He experienced a storm, a shipwreck, a swim (to the island of Malta), and a safe trip to Rome.

If you’ve ever been in a terrible storm at sea in a smaller vessel, you can identify with this shipwreck. But even if you haven’t, you’ve been and will be in many storms in life. Paul’s experience teaches us we can trust in God’s sovereign care in life’s storms. God is absolutely in control! He always is…always will be! As Paul, God allows us to go through storms, but is with us through them all. “So keep up your courage, men, for I have faith in God that it will happen just as he has told me.” (27:25)
