Throne of Grace

In Hebrews 10 we learn that what the blood of the Old Testament animals were unable to do (v.4), Jesus did….that is, take away sin. What the priests did over and over again (v.11), Jesus did once….that is offer one sacrifice.

In the opening verse we read that the things in the OT were “a shadow of the good things that are coming.” A shadow is not the real thing. Everything in the OT pointed to the coming of Jesus who had “offered for all time one sacrifice for sins and sat down at the right hand of God.” (v.12)

Now that Jesus has come we have access into the “Most Holy Place” (v.19)… the very presence of God, the throne of grace. This was closed to the people of the OT. But now we can come to our Heavenly Father with confidence and boldness. The author mentioned this earlier in 4:16--“Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence…”

You don’t need a goat, or a priest, or a certain place to access God. Right now, because Jesus has offered the perfect sacrifice you can enter God’s throne room. Go ahead! What are you waiting for? God is waiting with open arms!

Pastor Bob
