The Homestretch

That’s what it must feel like as you begin reading the last book of the Bible. You have been on a wonderful journey through the New Testament! The goal was to read through the NT and you are in the home stretch. Congratulations!!

“Blessed is the one who reads the words of this prophecy….” (Rev. 1:3) The direct application is to the book of Revelation, but applies to the reading of any portion of God’s Word. Any time the Scriptures are read lives are changed. You have been changed! You are most blessed!

Now, just because you will soon cross the finish line does not mean the race is over. Now that you have established a very important discipline, keep running….keep reading! The race is not over ‘till we see Jesus! Then, there will be no need to read the written Word because we will be in the presence of the living Word. Amen!!

Pastor Bob
