Face to Face

Did you know that none of the four Gospel writers give us a description of what Jesus looked like? Now, some of you are thinking “I know… I have His picture hanging on my wall!” Well, sorry to burst your bubble but no artist has ever painted an accurate portrait of Jesus.

It was while I was reading the account of the Transfiguration in Mark 9 that I started to think about what our Lord looked like while here on earth. The parallel passage we read earlier in Matthew 17: 2 says “His face shone like the sun.” This, of course, was not the way he “normally” looked. Luke 9:29b tells us “the appearance of his face changed.” The disciples on this high mountain saw Jesus in His glorified state, not His natural state. They were discouraged after being reminded of Jesus’ suffering and death and needed this “mountaintop” experience.

But, what did Jesus look like before the change; while he was walking up the side of the mountain with the three disciples? We can infer that He had a darker skin complexion, darker eye color, and darker hair color because he was born to a Jewish family. But we really don’t know any more and I suppose it’s not important or God would have revealed more.

Here’s what we do know when He comes back again “…when he appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is.” (1 John 3:2b) “Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face.” (1 Corinthians 13:12a) I would love to know (right now) what Jesus looked like, but, I can wait ‘till He returns! No, I can’t wait to SEE HIM FACE TO FACE!! Come quickly, Lord Jesus!

-Pastor Bob
